Kurakiチャンネル(Past Event Video)
久良岐での過去の動画です(Take a look at our videos!)

In November 2021, it is a performance of pedal steel guitar "Hiroki Komazawa" and Shinobue "Kei Matsuo" in order to provide soothing music in the uneasy times of Kobi 19.
The song is "Caccini's Ave Maria"
This video is made for people who are not familiar with noh. The highlights of the play are easily understandable as the camera moves freely on the stage to get close to the noteworthy points with a plain commentary. The video also adds modern, daring and plain translations for archaisms in speech babbles. And we shortened the screen time of Hagoromo that usually takes more than 60 minutes to 18 minutes.
In this video, you can also watch uncommon scenes such as performers’ preparation, the moment of assuming a mask and views from each performer.
This is not a prim introduction. We hope that many viewers are interested in noh
デンマーク女王から賛辞をおくら れる「森弘一郎」とマイケルジャク ソン最後のダンスコーチ「デビッド ・エルスウェア」との世紀のパフォ ーマンスを久良岐能舞台で実現!2018年「サキの國」で出演されたパフォーミングアーティストの「森弘一郎」さん。北欧の芸術大国デンマーク最高峰の劇場アワード Reumert Awardにおいて「Reumert賞」「Copenhagen賞」「Danish hiphop賞」の3部門を受賞。デンマーク女王から賛辞をおくられるなど、芸術性の高さが世界的に認められるアーティストです。そして、マイケル・ジャクソンが亡くなるまでの2年間コーチを務めた貴重な芸術的ダンサー「デビッド・エルスウェア」さん。テイム・バートン監督の「不思議な国のアリス」ジョニー・ディップ、木村拓哉CMなど数多くの有名人と仕事をしている彼が日本に遊びにきて、友人の森さんに会い久良岐能舞台に来館。舞台を見て“すばらしい!”そして、記念のパフォーマンスを撮影しました。
The dance collaboration of Koichiro Mori and David Elsewhere was realized on the Kuraki Noh Stage.
The two dancers have prestigious careers. Koichiro Mori is well known all over the world as a highly artistic performer. He earned “the Reumert Award”, “the Copenhagen Award” and “the Danish Hiphop Award”, at the Danmark’s top theatre prize, and has gotten a tribute from the queen, Margrethe Ⅱ.
David Elsewhere is also an artistic dancer who has been the last dance coach for Michael Jackson for two years. He has worked with many celebrities such as Jonny Depp in the movie Alice in Wonderland and Takuya Kimura in his commercial filming.
Elsewhere came see Mori in Japan and they visited the Kuraki Noh Stage. We had a good fortune to witness the shooting their dance collaboration as they became fond of the stage.
An aerial video of the Kuraki Noh Stage taken by drone in the autumn of 2018.
Performed at the Kuraki Noh Stage in April 2018 by Koichiro Mori (performing artist), Christopher Hardy (percussionist), Kei Matsuo (flute player) and Sizzle Ohtaka (singer).
The classic song of Michiya Mituhashi “Tassha dena” was performed at the Kuraki Special Concert in 2019 by Kei Matsuo (flute and dance), Sizzle Ohtaka (song) and Christopher Hardy (calimba).
Performed at the Kuraki Noh Stage in May 2019 by Sizzle Ohtaka (song), Kei Matsuo (flute), Yoichi Yahiro (bass), Hiroki Komazawa (pedal steel guitar) and Christopher Hardy (percussion).
むら先生チャンネル(Mr. Mura’s Channel)
Mr. Mura explains interesting and surprising relationships between Japanese traditional arts and our daily lives. His unique view brings richness to your Japanese life! (Only available in Japanese)

トラちゃんチャンネル(TORA Videos)
Please check out our fortune cat, TORA-chan living in Kuraki. (Autonym: Toranosuke Kuraki)

Tail that reacts to voice...
It's very hot today...
I'm used to it, my own home
どおってことない雨の中、傘の中で 二鳴き!
Nothing to say...cry twice
He was self-moisturizing here, while we had been anxious that the water in his cat bowl did not decreased.